

Vida Balance Garden Apartments and Studios ΜΟΝ ΙΚΕ
next to the castel
81108 Mythimna (Molivos), Lesbos, Greece
VAT ID / ΑΦΜ: EL 802386798
Finance Office / ΔΟΥ: 7231 ΜΥΤΙΛΗΝΗΣ

Phone (GR): +30 2253 071745
Mobile (GR): +30 698 4142967 (also via Viber)

Phone (DE): +49 761 88795517
Mobile (DE): +49 160 90417466 (also via Threema, Signal, Telegramm)
Email: info @

Mail address in Germany:

Schwester-Adolfa-Weg 52
79115 Freiburg im Breisgau

Owners: Jörn Lentes

Responsible for content of this page: Jörn Lentes, address as above.

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